

The party also sought suspension of 90 officials



The party also sought suspension of 90 officials

The party also sought suspension of 90 officials for alleged inaction during the agitation, which saw large-scale violence and destruction.The AAP on Saturday demanded that a Supreme Court-monitored special investigating team (SIT) should probe the alleged role of political leaders, including Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar, d The AAP on Saturday demanded that a Supreme Court-monitored special investigating team (SIT) should probe the alleged role of political leaders, including Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar, during the Jat quota stir in that state. "We demand that a Supreme Court-monitored SIT probe the role of the political leaders in the violence, including that of chief minister M.Detailing the situation during the height of the violence that took place in February, the committee said that in one instance a police official was so "scared" that he "ran away", while judicial officers rattled by the rampage even "took off their nameplates" outside their houses to save themselves from attack. It also shows that the riots were politically motivated and the chief minister’s role is also under question," AAP leader Ashutosh alleged."The probe (by the Prakash Singh Committee) states that the chief minister, Blind Rivet Nut supplier the chief secretary and the director-general of police were not assertive. The chief minister could not control law and order in the state. All the officers responsible for inaction should be suspended," he said.L. The Prakash Singh Committee report on the Jat agitation has identified about 90 officials who indulged in "deliberate negligence" when violence hit Haryana, noting that in some areas "mayhem" was allowed for hours, with authorities allegedly "turning a blind eye" to loot and damage



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